Tuesday, November 16, 2010

so back to work


I need some graph which consists from 7 -10 nodes, lets say 9 :-) and which is directed ... i could draw it just like random but i need a meaning for nodes so it must be some very small system...
ideally is if between dicerted and undirected graph is quite big difference in paths....
why real system ? because i need to know the logic between paths and what changes ... (there absolutely will be errors in real system) if we do not follow this logic...or natural laws (in biological system) which exist by default...
if we not follow logic representing system the acquired modelling results will not be correct as well another similar system will not be able to create because without logic it will not function as needed ...
soo... where to get such a small and nice graph ? :) ideas ?

other thing ...
what you think would be interesting to acquire ? what kind of knowledge about system ...if you know  morphology, and functionality and behavior and comformity to laws.... anything else...except typical graph and matrix based values...like dispersion, diameter, ranks...

have some ideas...but they are more crazy than are acceptable i think :D

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