Sunday, December 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
from Paulo Coelho's Blog
Character of the week: Yoda
Published on May 29, 2011 in Character of the Week.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
“War does not make one great.”
“Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.”
“That is why you fail. (in response to Luke saying, “I don’t believe it.”).”
“Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you.”
“If so powerful you are, why leave?”
“Clear, your mind must be if you are to discover the real villains behind the plot.”
“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”
“You must feel the Force around you. Here, between you, me, the tree, the rock… everywhere! Even between the land and the ship.”
“To the Force, look for guidance. Accept what fate has placed before us.”
“May the Force be with you.”
Yoda is a master in the Star Wars universe
Saturday, May 28, 2011
when we do not say what we think to our partner, each time we create grains of sand, that after some time become rocks, and after... mountains - and when enough time is passed each of us stands on edge of canyon ... we can still talk but between us - there is a ravine ... that divides the world, space, time... in two pieces that before was wholeness
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
to be or not to be....
to believe or not ?
to trust or not ?
to follow or not ?
time everything puts in its place ....
If something have happened always, it doesn't mean that it should happen like that also now. If all do something by predefined stereotype, it doesn't mean that you should do like that. If all think something is correct, it doesn't mean it is right just because of that and in this moment. /unknown/
to trust or not ?
to follow or not ?
time everything puts in its place ....
If something have happened always, it doesn't mean that it should happen like that also now. If all do something by predefined stereotype, it doesn't mean that you should do like that. If all think something is correct, it doesn't mean it is right just because of that and in this moment. /unknown/
Saturday, May 7, 2011
sintakse vs. semantika
Būsi mana meitene?- Tu piedāvā vai tikai apjautājies?- Piedāvāju!- Jap, būšu gan!- Paga, Tu piekrīti vai draudi?
sintakse un veids kā pasaka maina semantiku :)
sintakse un veids kā pasaka maina semantiku :)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Brīnums ir brīdis, kad Dievs pārspēj rekordus.
/Žans Žirodū/
Cik viedam gan jābūt,lai nekad nezaudētu labsirdību!
/Marija Ēbnere-Ešebbaha/
Klusuma auglis ir Lūgsna. Lūgsnas auglis ir Ticība. Ticības auglis ir mīlestība. Mīlestības auglis ir Kalpošana. Kalpošanas auglis ir Miers.
/Māte Terēze/
Cilvēks pārtiek nevis no tā, ko apēd, bet no tā, ko sagremo. Tas vienādi attiecināms gan uz prātu, gan uz ķermeni.
/Benžmins Franklins/
Brīnums ir brīdis, kad Dievs pārspēj rekordus.
/Žans Žirodū/
Cik viedam gan jābūt,lai nekad nezaudētu labsirdību!
/Marija Ēbnere-Ešebbaha/
Klusuma auglis ir Lūgsna. Lūgsnas auglis ir Ticība. Ticības auglis ir mīlestība. Mīlestības auglis ir Kalpošana. Kalpošanas auglis ir Miers.
/Māte Terēze/
Cilvēks pārtiek nevis no tā, ko apēd, bet no tā, ko sagremo. Tas vienādi attiecināms gan uz prātu, gan uz ķermeni.
/Benžmins Franklins/
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
rules :)
We often say exceptions proves the rule, but we usually forgot...
"Exceptions are not always the proof of the old rule; they can also be the harbinger of a new one." ~M.Ebner-Eschenbach~
Monday, April 18, 2011
Something nice :)
I gave you the power to think.
I gave you the power to love.
I gave you the power to will.
I gave you the power to laugh.
I gave you the power to imagine.
I gave you the power to create.
I gave you the power to plan.
I gave you the power to speak.
I gave you the power to pray.
I gave you the power to heal.
power of choice....
Choose to love ... rather than hate.
Choose to laugh ... rather than cry.
Choose to create ... rather than destroy.
Choose to persevere ... rather than quit.
Choose to praise ... rather than gossip.
Choose to heal ... rather than wound.
Choose to give ... rather than steal.
Choose to act ... rather than procrastinate.
Choose to grow ... rather than rot.
Choose to pray ... rather than curse.
Choose to live ... rather than die.
I gave you the power to love.
I gave you the power to will.
I gave you the power to laugh.
I gave you the power to imagine.
I gave you the power to create.
I gave you the power to plan.
I gave you the power to speak.
I gave you the power to pray.
I gave you the power to heal.
power of choice....
Choose to love ... rather than hate.
Choose to laugh ... rather than cry.
Choose to create ... rather than destroy.
Choose to persevere ... rather than quit.
Choose to praise ... rather than gossip.
Choose to heal ... rather than wound.
Choose to give ... rather than steal.
Choose to act ... rather than procrastinate.
Choose to grow ... rather than rot.
Choose to pray ... rather than curse.
Choose to live ... rather than die.
/From the book "The Greatest Miracle in the World" by Og Mandino/
We always have power of choice and always have at least two choices... all we need to do is to believe, not afraid and choose ... in this we choose the best and do not swim by flow others & environment create ... the secret is even we choose what is the best we need we never know the real result, but it always will be better for us than in other option when we choose nothing at all... because we make a decision, we take responsibility for our life - we live, create, persevere, give, praise, act, grow, love, pray, laugh, heal !
Happy and fulfilled week! :-)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
no kalendāra...
Var izskaidroties ar tiem, kuri runā svešā valodā. Bet nevar ar tiem, kuri vienos un tajos pašos vārdos ietver pavisam citu jēgu.
/Žans Rostāns/
Jāpiedod vienmēr tam, kas nožēlojis grēkus. Ir jāpiedod viņa paša dēļ. Tam, kas tos nav nožēlojis, ir jāpiedod sevis dēļ.
/Marija Ēbnere- Ešenbaha/
Esi draugam viņa svētdiena, viņa kalnu gaiss un viņa dvēseles maigais skurbums.
/Konstantīns Rauduve/
Pirms kādu lietu dedzīgi iekāro, vajadzētu noskaidrot, kāda laime ir tam, kas to iemantojis.
/Fransuā VI de Larošfuko/
Smaidi neveiksmei acīs, līdz tā atkāpjas!
/Ogs Mandino/
Var izskaidroties ar tiem, kuri runā svešā valodā. Bet nevar ar tiem, kuri vienos un tajos pašos vārdos ietver pavisam citu jēgu.
/Žans Rostāns/
Jāpiedod vienmēr tam, kas nožēlojis grēkus. Ir jāpiedod viņa paša dēļ. Tam, kas tos nav nožēlojis, ir jāpiedod sevis dēļ.
/Marija Ēbnere- Ešenbaha/
Esi draugam viņa svētdiena, viņa kalnu gaiss un viņa dvēseles maigais skurbums.
/Konstantīns Rauduve/
Pirms kādu lietu dedzīgi iekāro, vajadzētu noskaidrot, kāda laime ir tam, kas to iemantojis.
/Fransuā VI de Larošfuko/
Smaidi neveiksmei acīs, līdz tā atkāpjas!
/Ogs Mandino/
Friday, April 15, 2011
in reply
to Mitchell Rabinowitz (19 days ago)
Is information just information or does the way that information is organized and used varied by domain? I am starting to look at this question and would appreciate thoughts and comments.
"Poetry is a very nonlinear use of language, where the meaning is more than just the sum of the parts," /C.Langton/
similar is with any information ... these are just my thougths... but maybe writen can be useful in any way :) And even disagree allows better understand our own point of view :)
Some information varies, some not - and it can vary in different ways...but it do not change the main characteristics of information ... any information has some meaning and it always is part of something. Information contains facts organised in some specific way and it is transfered via some flow. Organisation is described as relation between parts, which causes the change in other parts (parts can be anything - actions, objects). Organised means structured with purpose to fulfil some function/goal. So from this aspect organised means information is context dependent - related to some domain. But it does not disclude that once acquired all or some part of information cant be used as pattern in any other domain. Also information is never just information - it always is given and perceived by someone (so there can be acquired some characteristics which allows to determine identity - information is identity (that also can be any object) dependent). Even the same information given at the same time, place will differ in some aspects, but we will see same pattern - the same words, the same sentences... The question is can it be reused or not....and to reuse something we need to see connections - i think anything can be reused just if have the rigth techniques in rigth time...
So information is context, identity and time dependent :)
Monday, April 11, 2011
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away." --Unknown
"Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it."
--Trey Parker and Matt Stone
"A mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it isn't open."
--Frank Zappa
I have changed the way i work... now go sleep at 22/23 and wake up at 6 ... hmm and the funny thing is i like it :)
"Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it."
--Trey Parker and Matt Stone
"A mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it isn't open."
--Frank Zappa
I have changed the way i work... now go sleep at 22/23 and wake up at 6 ... hmm and the funny thing is i like it :)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
smuks dzejolītis
Nekas uz šīs zemes nav vienāds,
ne upe, ne jūra, ne krasts.
Katram mirklim, stundai
un dienai piemīt kas savs un neparasts.
ne upe, ne jūra, ne krasts.
Katram mirklim, stundai
un dienai piemīt kas savs un neparasts.
Katrs smilšu graudiņš, katrs gliemežvāks,
vētru un viļņu glaudīts, mirdz savādāks.
Katrs cilvēks pasaulē plašā
ir tik dažāds, kā cits neviens.
vētru un viļņu glaudīts, mirdz savādāks.
Katrs cilvēks pasaulē plašā
ir tik dažāds, kā cits neviens.
/Alfrēds Krūklis/
Friday, April 8, 2011
08-04-2011 : "Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe, and it will come naturally." #David Frost
Today my favorite is Richard Marx :) Angelia, Right Here Waiting, When You Loved Me
Today my favorite is Richard Marx :) Angelia, Right Here Waiting, When You Loved Me
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
just quotes from different sources...
exactly year ago i started to read ...The Bridge Across Forever by Richard Bach and there were a lot of quotes which i just loved ....still love
"The opposite of loneliness, it's not togetherness. It is intimacy."
“There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn; whatever steps we take, they're necessary to reach the places we've chosen to go.”
“That's what learning is, after all; not whether we lose the game, but how we lose and how we've changed because of it and what we take away from it that we never had before, to apply to other games. Losing, in a curious way, is winning.”
" 'Boredom between two people, she said one evening, doesn't come from being together, physically. It comes from being apart, mentally and spiritually.'"
“Do you know what I learned from you? I learned what is possible, and now I must hold out for what I thought we had. I want to be very close to someone I respect and admire and have somebody who feels the same way about me. That or nothing. I realized that what I'm looking for is not what you're looking for. You don't want what I want.”
"We're the bridge across forever, arching above the sea, adventuring for our pleasure, living mysteries for the fun of it, choosing disasters triumphs challenges impossible odds, testing ourselves over and again, learning love and love and LOVE!"
then there is something in latvian - kind of quote ...i do not want to translate :)
"Es nolēmu visus dvēseles spēkus veltīt tam, lai atrastu savu vienīgo, ideālo vīrieti. Tāda, ja var ticēt gudrāko cilvēku apgalvojumiem, vispār nemaz nav."
un no filmas moskva slezam neverit "Cik ilgi es tevi meklēju..."
exactly year ago i started to read ...The Bridge Across Forever by Richard Bach and there were a lot of quotes which i just loved ....still love
"The opposite of loneliness, it's not togetherness. It is intimacy."
“There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn; whatever steps we take, they're necessary to reach the places we've chosen to go.”
“That's what learning is, after all; not whether we lose the game, but how we lose and how we've changed because of it and what we take away from it that we never had before, to apply to other games. Losing, in a curious way, is winning.”
" 'Boredom between two people, she said one evening, doesn't come from being together, physically. It comes from being apart, mentally and spiritually.'"
“Do you know what I learned from you? I learned what is possible, and now I must hold out for what I thought we had. I want to be very close to someone I respect and admire and have somebody who feels the same way about me. That or nothing. I realized that what I'm looking for is not what you're looking for. You don't want what I want.”
"We're the bridge across forever, arching above the sea, adventuring for our pleasure, living mysteries for the fun of it, choosing disasters triumphs challenges impossible odds, testing ourselves over and again, learning love and love and LOVE!"
then there is something in latvian - kind of quote ...i do not want to translate :)
"Es nolēmu visus dvēseles spēkus veltīt tam, lai atrastu savu vienīgo, ideālo vīrieti. Tāda, ja var ticēt gudrāko cilvēku apgalvojumiem, vispār nemaz nav."
un no filmas moskva slezam neverit "Cik ilgi es tevi meklēju..."
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Some quotes 02-03
Es esmu šeit, lai dzīvotu no visas sirds.
/Emīls Zolā/
/Žanīna Buasāra/
Tas, kurš nemana ļaunumu, ir dumjš, tas, kurš nemana labo, ir nelaimīgs./Staņislavs Ježijs Lecs/
Ar kaunu un godu ir tāpat kā ar apģērbu - jo vairāk tas novalkāts, jo nevērīgāk mēs pret to izturamies./Apulejs/
Vīriešiem esmu atdevusi savu jaunību un skaistumu. Tagad labāko, kas man ir, - gudrību un pieredzi - dāvāju dzīvniekiem./Brižita Bardo/
Neaizturi to, kas aiziet, un nepadzen to, kas nāk. /Japāņu paruna/
Sievietes domā, ka visi vīrieši ir vienādi, un tur ir viņu spēks; vīrieši domā, ka visas sievietes ir atšķirīgas, - un tas viņus pazudina./Ramons Gomezs De La Serna/
Sievietes skaistums ir svarīgāks par prātu,jo vīrietim vieglāk ir skatīties nekā domāt./Marlēna Dītriha/
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Ar arheologu es aprecējos tāpēc, ka viņš bija vienīgais vīrietis, kurš par sievu interesējās jo vairāk, jo vecāka tā kļūva.
/Agata Kristi/
Lai iekarotu sievieti, vītieši sacer brīnišķīgus melus.Lai pamestu sievieti, vīrieši sacer muļķīgus un nejēdzīgus melus.
Vīrietis ir greizsirdīgs tāpēc, ka pārāk stipri mīl sevi. Sieviete ir greizsirdīga tāpēc, ka nepietiekami mīl sevi.
/Džermeina Grīra/
Monday, April 4, 2011
today it rains, warm and strong rain... i love it.... i love when it rains...
in ear-phones and i feel how raindrops fall on my skin....
seems sky cry with me...
i picked up phone several times....
i need friend....
call or not, call or
because nobody will understand how someone can cry for such a thing...
“Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines.”
Satchel Paige
in ear-phones and i feel how raindrops fall on my skin....
seems sky cry with me...
i picked up phone several times....
i need friend....
call or not, call or
because nobody will understand how someone can cry for such a thing...
“Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines.”
there is...
There is always point where everything meets...
Today was inspired by :
"love is time and space in a single point, in continuous change" /Paulo Coelho/
probably understood written in my way again ... but still :)
i must say - i do not believe that in life something sometimes happens without any purpose... all theories all proofs we have shows for everything is some reason... so why then actions, happenings, whatever should be without reason... another thing is we sometimes do not see the purpose... we are curious and try to see... the question - do we need to see it ? do it change something ? can we change purpose if we see it ? or it is something, somewhere and beyond the reach ?
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Your Daily Horoscope: April 2, 2011
Mar. 21 - Apr 19
If you have a strong desire for privacy today, your instincts are trying to suggest that you avoid some kind of problem by "lying low", Aries. At the same time, the Moon joining Mars in your sign brings both popularity and power to you; you may find it hard to keep still. The trick is to understand that what you don't know might hurt you, while being rigorously honest in all your connections with others today. Stay away from anyone suspicious, and make sure you get the truth.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
if everything is network....then everything is connected ...if everything is connected then everything can influence everything (ed. something)...if everything can influence everything then everything is somehow organized.....
can you follow ? :)
can you follow ? :)
What i wanted to say with that my post is:
The fact is everything is connected to something...
I think when we look one component for example earth we can call it system and there are no isolated parts... whatever it is defined or called...even each gray stone has its environment and it is connected with for example earth :)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Like in that brainstorm song:
"Someone wants her body,
And someone wants her mind,
And someone tells the stories,
'cos someone wants her time
And someone wants her bedroom,
And someone wants her smile,
And someone wants to love her
To love her for a while"....
i see how many pay attention to some of all mentioned things.... so obviously... just in my case nobody cares to look on everything a whole :)
Because when we look on someone/something as whole we need to accept not only some of parts, but also emergent characteristics - and this unfortunately includes everything connected to personality :) Do i really are such a stranger that behavior which is acquired as sum of parts has less quality as whole behavior ? Interesting question isn't it ? :) Even if i do not talk about me - indeed can it in reality be reality ? hard to believe :)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Parasti laudis prasa padomus tikai tādēļ, lai tos neievērotu un, ja arī kāds ievēro, tad tikai tādēļ, lai būtu kāds, kam izteikt pārmetumus par sekām.
- Man galvā ir smadzenes!
- Var redzēt...tās spīd cauri matiem....
Es vēlos, lai būtu iespējama reinkarnācija un pēc nāves tu kļūtu par savu istabas biedru.
Ja arī dažbrīd liekas, ka dzīve kā ātrvilciens traucas līdzi laikam, nevajag tādēļ tūlīt iedomāties, ka nākamā ir gala stacija! Mūžība un mūžs ir vienas saknes vārdi!
Katrā no mums ir nepieciešamās dāvanas, lai sekmīgi veiktu savu ceļu
/Paulu Koelju/
Mīlestība ir radījusi pasauli. Pasauli iepazīst mīlot!
Nav jācenšas darīt lielas lietas, galvenās ir mazās paveikt ar lielu mīlestību.
/Māte Terēze/
Mēs piedodam tik daudz, cik esam mīlējuši.
/Fransuā de Larošfuko/
Atskatīties, pasmaidīt un tad tālāk soļot lēnām.
Bieži mēs sakam "Nemīlu", bet dvēselē mums tek asaras.
Bieži mēs sakam "Ienīstu" tikai tāpēc, lai tam noticētu.
Bieži mēs sakam "Paliec sveiks!" cerībā, ka vēl kādreiz ieraudzīsim šo cilvēku.
Bieži mēs sakam "Pazūdi", lai otrs neredzētu mūsu asaras.
Bieži mēs sakam "Nekad", kaut gan zinam, ka tas notiks vēl vēlreiz.
Bieži mēs sakam "Vairs nemīlu", kad baidamies atzīties savās jūtās.
Bieži mēs sakam "Es tevi aizmirsu", kad cilvēka vārds no prāta nepazūd.
Bieži mēs sakam "Es izdzēsu viņa(s) numuru", kad zinam to no galvas.
- Man galvā ir smadzenes!
- Var redzēt...tās spīd cauri matiem....
Es vēlos, lai būtu iespējama reinkarnācija un pēc nāves tu kļūtu par savu istabas biedru.
Ja arī dažbrīd liekas, ka dzīve kā ātrvilciens traucas līdzi laikam, nevajag tādēļ tūlīt iedomāties, ka nākamā ir gala stacija! Mūžība un mūžs ir vienas saknes vārdi!
Katrā no mums ir nepieciešamās dāvanas, lai sekmīgi veiktu savu ceļu
/Paulu Koelju/
Mīlestība ir radījusi pasauli. Pasauli iepazīst mīlot!
Nav jācenšas darīt lielas lietas, galvenās ir mazās paveikt ar lielu mīlestību.
/Māte Terēze/
Mēs piedodam tik daudz, cik esam mīlējuši.
/Fransuā de Larošfuko/
Atskatīties, pasmaidīt un tad tālāk soļot lēnām.
Bieži mēs sakam "Nemīlu", bet dvēselē mums tek asaras.
Bieži mēs sakam "Ienīstu" tikai tāpēc, lai tam noticētu.
Bieži mēs sakam "Paliec sveiks!" cerībā, ka vēl kādreiz ieraudzīsim šo cilvēku.
Bieži mēs sakam "Pazūdi", lai otrs neredzētu mūsu asaras.
Bieži mēs sakam "Nekad", kaut gan zinam, ka tas notiks vēl vēlreiz.
Bieži mēs sakam "Vairs nemīlu", kad baidamies atzīties savās jūtās.
Bieži mēs sakam "Es tevi aizmirsu", kad cilvēka vārds no prāta nepazūd.
Bieži mēs sakam "Es izdzēsu viņa(s) numuru", kad zinam to no galvas.
Tā vien liekas, ka par sevi nu jau zinu visu! Bet nē... izrādās ir cilvēki, kuri zina vairāk...
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
"emergent "
I like and i hate that word ...why ? because: a) in latvian there is no direct translation that can be used
b) it means suddenly appears or belongs to whole, but not for separated fact "emerge" means appear.. SO .... do we talk here about new properties that 1) appear because of evolution, or 2 ) about properties that system already have - like every typical kind of object ? properties that appear at the moment when system appears ... OR maybe we talk about both ? Because system have properties that are qualitative different from the properties that system parts have ... AND that is just logical ... or if emergent is related just to the first case - to properties which appear in the process of self organization...THEN there is a need for more precise definition.... and i got a question ... why then we do not talk about the 2 case ? It doesn't characterize complex system ?
so everything is so tricky ? or i think too much ? or i have no idea what i talk about .... the last one of course would be the sad case...
I found....... I found....... emergent = aggregate :) :) :)
correction nr2. heh but still this is not good....because aggregate is good for the 2 case more
so if there would be a good word that connects emerge+ aggregate ... it would be more correct ...... need to think ......
b) it means suddenly appears or belongs to whole, but not for separated fact "emerge" means appear.. SO .... do we talk here about new properties that 1) appear because of evolution, or 2 ) about properties that system already have - like every typical kind of object ? properties that appear at the moment when system appears ... OR maybe we talk about both ? Because system have properties that are qualitative different from the properties that system parts have ... AND that is just logical ... or if emergent is related just to the first case - to properties which appear in the process of self organization...THEN there is a need for more precise definition.... and i got a question ... why then we do not talk about the 2 case ? It doesn't characterize complex system ?
so everything is so tricky ? or i think too much ? or i have no idea what i talk about .... the last one of course would be the sad case...
I found....... I found....... emergent = aggregate :) :) :)
correction nr2. heh but still this is not good....because aggregate is good for the 2 case more
so if there would be a good word that connects emerge+ aggregate ... it would be more correct ...... need to think ......
bla bla bla....
Probably it will sound crazy, but yesterday before went sleep was looking in sky - and looking in stars started in my imagination draw triangles - which is so easy - almost everywhere you look - you can create triangle - larger, smaller - so many imagined links :)
Then was thinking ...complex systems as rule include other systems... human is system, house is system, world is system, constellation is system.........each of these systems have emergent properties... but what means system ? that all components are connected somehow and there are no isolated one ... also usually smaller systems inherit something from larger - do they inherit only from their direct "parents" ? - No! So the question is how deep are these inheritance relations ? Do people inherit something from stars ? If yes ... then what ? If no? Do it means that elements which are parts of some viewed system mostly have no relation with more complex systems which include this viewed system ? If yes - so we can easily separate everything ...somehow strong & weak... isn't it funny - always opposites hand in hand ....
Yesterday there also was beautiful moon :)
Then was thinking ...complex systems as rule include other systems... human is system, house is system, world is system, constellation is system.........each of these systems have emergent properties... but what means system ? that all components are connected somehow and there are no isolated one ... also usually smaller systems inherit something from larger - do they inherit only from their direct "parents" ? - No! So the question is how deep are these inheritance relations ? Do people inherit something from stars ? If yes ... then what ? If no? Do it means that elements which are parts of some viewed system mostly have no relation with more complex systems which include this viewed system ? If yes - so we can easily separate everything ...somehow strong & weak... isn't it funny - always opposites hand in hand ....
Yesterday there also was beautiful moon :)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
"Vīrietis nezin, kas notiek viņa galvā - vinš vienkārši turās pie saviem tabu un principiem"
/Pērs Bogomozovs/
Viss sliktais un labais, kas notiek ir daļa no mums, bet tas nenosaka to kas mēs esam.
«Dievs izgudroja sievieti, lai vīrietim nebūtu garlaicīgi, un vīrietis konstruēja skaitļojamo mašīnu, lai zinātu, cik šī greznība maksā.» (Zigmunds Skujiņš)
/Pērs Bogomozovs/
Viss sliktais un labais, kas notiek ir daļa no mums, bet tas nenosaka to kas mēs esam.
«Dievs izgudroja sievieti, lai vīrietim nebūtu garlaicīgi, un vīrietis konstruēja skaitļojamo mašīnu, lai zinātu, cik šī greznība maksā.» (Zigmunds Skujiņš)
Monday, March 7, 2011
Need to keep smiling, because it makes world better :-)
33 of Life’s Most Powerful Lessons
1. Often those who aren’t the easiest to love are the ones who need it the most.
2. Seeing children play can make even the bluest day brighter.
3. Money is not the root of all evil, fear is.
4. The secret to happiness is the acceptance of yourself.
5. Happiness is not based on external status, it is an internal state.
6. Money can’t make me happy, but self-sufficiency gives me the freedom to share myself creatively, without worrying about how I’m going to pay the bills.
7. Every man has a right to choose his own destiny.
8. The path is the way.
9. Coming is going, going is coming.
10.The hardest is found in the easiest.
11.Heaven and hell exist here and now, within your own mind.
12.Life is the largest stage.
13.Music is one of the most supreme expressions of life. It is art in it’s most transitory form. It is gone within an instant, and therefore, extremely precious.
14.Follow your gut, you’ll thank yourself later.
15.Remember what your mother taught you, it came from the most sacred place of love that exists.
16.Never let an argument last, never hold a grudge, it will make your heart heavy.
17.Forgive those that have yet to do you wrong, and you won’t have to worry about it should the time come.
18.Be grateful for this moment, it is all there is.
19.The source of most of your frustrations and anxiety are the result of living in the future, or the past.
20.Spend time alone with yourself every day.
21.Always go with yourself, never against yourself.
22.You have to be your own best friend.
23.If you don’t like what someone else says to you, you can walk away. But if you don’t like what you say to yourself, you can’t walk away. Therefore, if you’re going to be with yourself all the time, you might as well be nice to yourself.
24.The truth shall indeed set you free.
25.Lies only exist if we believe in them.
26.Even the most fundamental beliefs about reality are not true in themselves. Our thinking makes them true in our experience.
27.Your thoughts create reality.
28.The biggest lie is the lie of your imperfection.
29.Being kind is more important than being right.
30.Your heart is your best compass.
31.Cherish those that you love, you never know if you’ll see them again.
32.Your beliefs are a filter for your reality.
33.Love is the supreme expression of life, it is the essence and ground of all creation.
source :
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
also never say never :)
Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines.
~Richard M. Nixon~
~Richard M. Nixon~
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
skaisti ...
"Elle un mīlestība: vai tas sader kopā? Arī sievietes neizmērojamajai izturībai un mīlestībai reiz pienāk gals. Annija bija nogurusi no šīs kaislīgās, vampīrveidīgās mīlestības. Un patiesībā viņai - mazai, trauslai un viegli ievainojamai būtnei - vajadzēja būt stiprajam plecam šajā savienībā. Bet cik ilgi cilvēks spēj izturēt? Dzīve mums ir tikai viena dota, un jāiemācās sevi mīlēt, nevis visu dāsni atdot citiem. Pat vismīļākajam cilvēkam. Neviens to tādā mērā nav pelnījis…
Annija Žirardo. Dīvas dienasgrāmata /Dace Ezera/
Annija Žirardo. Dīvas dienasgrāmata /Dace Ezera/
Monday, February 28, 2011
nice butterflies :)
Nothing can change the fact that i love butterflies... i still remember how in childhood i observed cocoons at my grandmothers home ...and saw how from cocoon comes out butterflies :-)
as well nothing can change the feeling and calm that is given by clock ticks...and the calm that is given by fireplace...
most of these things comes from childhood ... so do we really get values for like when we are small ... and these things do not change the same as eyes ? ...
Sunday, February 27, 2011
A physician, a civil engineer, and a computer scientist were arguing about what was the oldest profession in the world. The physician remarked, "Well, in the Bible, it says that God created Eve from a rib taken out of Adam. This clearly required surgery, and so I can rightly claim that mine is the oldest profession in the world." The civil engineer interrupted, and said, "But even earlier in the book of Genesis, it states that God created the order of the heavens and the earth from out of the chaos. This was the first and certainly the most spectacular application of civil engineering. Therefore, fair doctor, you are wrong: mine is the oldest profession in the world." The computer scientist leaned back in her chair, smiled, and then said confidently, "Ah, but who do you think created the chaos?"
[Young B.J., Booch G.,Conallen J., Engel M.W., Houston K. A., Maksimchuk R.A., Chapter 1: Complexity, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 3rd Edition, 2007, pp. 3-29]
[Young B.J., Booch G.,Conallen J., Engel M.W., Houston K. A., Maksimchuk R.A., Chapter 1: Complexity, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 3rd Edition, 2007, pp. 3-29]
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
old- about person of value :)
(From the system point of view) value is something that changes a lot... even if it has predefined boundaries… it adapts to the changes in envirounment so that person/system can the same time value is that special thing that differs for each system/object/property and makes it unique.... so value as predifened means change…
Person of value it is person that can adapt to changes (which can be changes in world, changes in someone we care, changes in ourselves), can understand them and accept, to be person of value means to be wise…. at least some kind… for everybody value is something else because we try to reach things that we think are more easy to reach, for what we have energy, what we think are real (most of people afraid to dream and realize dreams)… Even if we look similar: head, hands, legs… each of us is unique and we can not judge other for something just because we have not and we will never have the same knowledge and experience and….and…and… I think first it takes courage to recognize and accept that everyone is individuality - after it is a joy to discover….
In short …person of value is someone that sees value of other poeple and respects them… (…but to be able to see value of other you must understand your value first)
It is like ….to be able to store something you need to have place where to store… to be able to give knowledge you must have knowledge… to be able to give energy you must have it yourselve….
Person of value? For example:
Nanny in kindergarten J - she sees children personalities, respects them and children love her.
Successful leader in group – he sees personalities, knows what motivates each of group members and respects everybody; he sees how to use pros and cons to integrate group.
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