in the night had two parallel thoughts ... one about frames and other about loneliness...
1) was thinking why people chose to be lonely and do they chose... or it just happens?
or maybe there are both options like for everything... if it is a choice then probably it is made because they haven’t got what they have dreamed about... they has lack of something...mostly it is because of love...they have no one to who they can give their love...
so then they decide to be lonely ... to prove to themselves and to the world (where actually nobody cares it) that they are strong ....they work more, they reach goals ....but they have nobody to share with their achievement, joy, pain...this is sad ...and they become more isolated from others ...
This all i started to think just because was trying to find a reason why some of people share so much time, emotions in social networks ... maybe the expectations....
When you write or say to someone private you expect by default that will have a feedback... when it is written somewhere ...diary, facebook, etc... there even is no need for feedback... it can be and also not...but always it is assumed if there will not be comments it will not change anything... when you ask to someone and there is no reply... it is different...and it hurts...
so and just because we all need to share emotions we look for the most suitable, painless way - because nobody wants to be hurted ... and ...jaa the technologies bring the different ways to share with but at the same time everybody becomes more isolated and lonely....
before it was because of different knowledge, social levels now because of fear not to be on the same wavelength...of fear.... but must say that in most of the cases people don’t even think that they must risk...that there can be something else...
and they try to find similarities in social networks...because we fall in love in things which we like...which we do... if we like, love ourselves something and if we find someone does the same... we start to like that person... isn’t it so ?
Must say i saw also movie yesterday...and i found it nice
2) Frames...why i like this idea and why it is so actual for me in knowledge representation...
Some time ago was thinking does Minsky chose this name for the data structure because of it’s meaning or it was coincidence? more believe to the first ... because every problem, idea, picture, everything has some borders...maybe misty, maybe clear...but has ... so when we choose concept object ... it includes some characteristics by; attributes; functions....but if we look on some object we imagine it with some connections, some rules, in some context that is outside of the object definition (this is my point of view) by itself ... so to represent something we imagine...and frame is a structure which allows to describe everything what is needed for the situation, object in one place...if the object represents something one then frame represents set...
1) was thinking why people chose to be lonely and do they chose... or it just happens?
or maybe there are both options like for everything... if it is a choice then probably it is made because they haven’t got what they have dreamed about... they has lack of something...mostly it is because of love...they have no one to who they can give their love...
so then they decide to be lonely ... to prove to themselves and to the world (where actually nobody cares it) that they are strong ....they work more, they reach goals ....but they have nobody to share with their achievement, joy, pain...this is sad ...and they become more isolated from others ...
This all i started to think just because was trying to find a reason why some of people share so much time, emotions in social networks ... maybe the expectations....
When you write or say to someone private you expect by default that will have a feedback... when it is written somewhere ...diary, facebook, etc... there even is no need for feedback... it can be and also not...but always it is assumed if there will not be comments it will not change anything... when you ask to someone and there is no reply... it is different...and it hurts...
so and just because we all need to share emotions we look for the most suitable, painless way - because nobody wants to be hurted ... and ...jaa the technologies bring the different ways to share with but at the same time everybody becomes more isolated and lonely....
before it was because of different knowledge, social levels now because of fear not to be on the same wavelength...of fear.... but must say that in most of the cases people don’t even think that they must risk...that there can be something else...
and they try to find similarities in social networks...because we fall in love in things which we like...which we do... if we like, love ourselves something and if we find someone does the same... we start to like that person... isn’t it so ?
Must say i saw also movie yesterday...and i found it nice
2) Frames...why i like this idea and why it is so actual for me in knowledge representation...
Some time ago was thinking does Minsky chose this name for the data structure because of it’s meaning or it was coincidence? more believe to the first ... because every problem, idea, picture, everything has some borders...maybe misty, maybe clear...but has ... so when we choose concept object ... it includes some characteristics by; attributes; functions....but if we look on some object we imagine it with some connections, some rules, in some context that is outside of the object definition (this is my point of view) by itself ... so to represent something we imagine...and frame is a structure which allows to describe everything what is needed for the situation, object in one place...if the object represents something one then frame represents set...
- of course this again is my understanding about that all - but each time i read something i like i get new impressions - even if i read the same paper -> each time get some additional details i havn`t seen before :)
the idea of frame is to represent something that by default sticks together - belongs to each other... frame inflicts constraints, some structure, some expectations...represents something that belongs to one image ...

therefore i like it be clear you must know rules...this at least somehow allows to foresee holistic perspective...
Picture & frame ... imagination :-)