(it is composed of interconnected parts that as a whole exhibit one or more properties not obvious from the properties of the individual parts (Joslyn, C. and Rocha)it is structured system - variously; (N. Goldenfeld and Kadanoff)it is one whose evolution is very sensitive to initial conditions or to small perturbations, one in which the number of independent interacting components is large, or one in which there are multiple pathways by which the system can evolve (Whitesides and Ismagilov)it is one that by design or function or both is difficult to understand and verify (Weng, Bhalla and Iyengar)it is one in which there are multiple interactions between many different components (D. Rind)it is in process that constantly evolve and unfold over time (W. Brian Arthur).) [taken from wiki]
and so this system changes in time it has no defined measures, it can be lost in one moment, if you not try to fulfill it with more detailed things...it is just because we change in the time and more we grow more we need to grow and more we find details that can be improved...we never know will or not the next step bring to breakdown or to evolution, will the feeling of completeness will be ruined or replenished... but i know that if we do something with love we have done best we can do and it is more that can be asked from us...
this lead to the sentence...
in one level of decomposition collaborates one kind of systems (in the meaning of complexity rank/scale) - they can be one level higher or one level lower, but not more... in the other case they cant understand each other and collaborate (valuable & in long-drawn) - all other level systems are just used or use the viewed systems to improve own functionality